Wildseed Farms

Yarrow - 3201

Regular price $3.45
Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae)
A drought tolerant perennial herb native to Europe, it has naturalized throughout temperate North America. The species name, millefolium (­of a thousand leaves), describes the fine, feathery foliage which resembles a fern. Flowers are in clusters forming a flat white top usually affixed to a single stem. Yarrow can endure dry, impoverished soil and survive with little maintenance. Requires full sun. A true perennial taking two years to become established.

Suggested Use: Slopes, hillsides, mixtures
Miscellaneous: Good garden plant for fresh or dry floral arrangements. Foliage is pleasantly fragrant when crushed. Can be mowed to form highly competitive ground cover to control soil erosion.

Average Planting Success: 70%
Height: 1 - 3 feet
Germination: 20 - 45 days
Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 60°F - ­65°F
Sowing Depth: Surface Sow
Blooming Period: May - November
Average Seeds Per Pound: 2,770,000
Seeds/Pkt: 2,400 - covers 25 sq.ft.
1 oz Covers: 2,723 sq.ft.
Seeding Rate: 1 lb. per acre

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